Detox Massage Oil
Product Code: VRINFCO0009007  
Botanical Name Psyllium
Common Name Chlorophyll pigments, CZE, Synthetic chlorophyll
Country of Origin China
Solubility Soluble in water and alcohol
Specific Gravity 1.130–1.35 @ 20°C
Optical Rotation (-)1.5 –(-)4 @ 15°C
Refrective Index 1.044 –1.054@ 20°C
PlantPart Leaves
Bland With It mix well with olive and other essential oils
CAS No Not Applicable
Flash Point > 200.00 °F
Extraction Method Extraction


It is a semi-synthetic copper derivative of chlorophyll, which is extracted by alkaline hydrolysis of chlorophyll with replacement of the magnesium by copper and methyl and phytyl ester groups by sodium and potassium. It is a food additive, water-soluble and can be used as an alternative medicine.


Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in most plants, algae, and certain bacteria. As all leaves and thus all leafy vegetables contain chlorophyll, it is one of the oldest and most widely consumed pigments in our diet. As it has been in the human diet forever, it can be considered one of the most safe food components. Chlorophyll plays an important role in plants in the photosynthesis, the mechanism by which plants acquire energy.

Color & Aroma

Color : Green,

Aroma : Characteristic Chlorophil


The main components are copper chlorophyll trisodium and copper chlorophyll tartrate.


This natural extracts are useful for both treatment and odor control of wounds, injuries and other skin conditions. Found as a topical preparation, it is largely used in various cosmetics and pharmaceutical preparations. Due its clear chemo-preventive activities, it is popular as a food colorant and dietary supplement. The strong color of chlorophyll is useful as a commercial pigment and used as a green dye for food, toothpaste and detergents.

$ 280.00

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